Between thesis meetings and other meetings about meetings and scheduling more meetings (April is going to be a delight--I can already tell) I have been thinking about a certain package that is slotted for arrival either Thursday or Friday of this week. I've been waiting for this package for about ten years now. I have a feeling that the contents will look like this...

I'm also going to debut a fab new website this week, with more information about buying the book and about readings and review copies, if you'd like to catch the fever too.
Not much time to blog lately, but I will definitely share pics when the books arrive.
Justin, thank you for your message!
John G.--good ears to you guys.
I am so thrilled for you! 10 years is a long time coming, and I hope when you touch those books for the first time, it will be everything you want and need it to be.
Here's to you, your book, and all the wonderful doors it will open for you.
Will you scatter them around the house? Will you place them in the windows? Will I be able to hear the cries of delight from here in Missouri?
Thanks for the ears. Thursday's the day.
I can't remember if you said, but will you be signing at AWP?
Thanks, you guys!
I will post pictures of me swimming in Prairie Fevers.
Yes to book signing! Jeannine Hall Gailey and I will be doing it on Friday.
Our ears are next Monday. I am a wimp so I'm making my mom take him with me. Waterproof mascara day.
I still need to write my AWP paper. This is one of many slow motion freak-outs.
Lovely and wonderful! I'm excited for your year ahead.
All the best,
ooh! Pretty!
how exciting! I'm happy for you.
I like the cover!
Can't wait to get a copy so you can practice your signature (and so I can read all the deliciousness inside).
I got the new Harpur Palate today. I like your poems. :)
It's absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to get my hands on one, as I've been waiting for a book of yours for a long time too ;)
I am definitely going to try to make it to that AWP signing. Beautiful cover!
- Kelly in Nebraska
Congrats on the book. Great cover - I like how the train track disappears and becomes part of the grass - as though all that is man-made is inevitably claimed by nature.
Thanks so much, folks!
Nick, that's exactly what I was hoping for with the cover. I'm so fascinated by nature taking over...
Cool cover.
Word verification: boohif
Gorgeous cover. Congratulations.
Perhaps I will see yu at AWP?
Thanks so much, folks! I can't believe it's here.
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