What do these poets have in common (other than the fact that their names are all in red)?
Kelli Russell Agodon * Rusty Barnes * Patrick Carrington * William Coughlin * Melissa Culbertson * Adam Deutsch * Jehanne Dubrow * Jeannine Hall Gailey * Jessi Lee Gaylord * Do Gentry * Jessica Greenbaum * Anne Haines * Brandi Homan * Jessica Jewell * Alex Lemon * Rebecca Loudon * Clay Matthews * Corey Mesler * Natasha Kochicheril Moni * Susan Rich * Renee Ruderman * F. Daniel Rzicznek * Peter Jay Shippy * Sarah Sloat * Debbie Yee
They will all be featured in the inaugural issue of Barn Owl Review! Of course, this is only a fraction of the poetic goodness you will find in the magazine this January when it hatches, and we still have hundreds (hundreds!) of poems left to read and discuss and more subs coming in every day.
If you haven't sent us anything yet, don't delay! And oh yeah, we publish fiction too, and we already have a number of reviews on our website. If you're the author of a recent small press collection of poetry, consider sending us a review copy and check out our review philosophy. We will feature reviews on the website and in the print edition.
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That sounds amazing! A lot of names I recognize, of course, but a lot I don't---and that mix always makes for the best issues of any journal I read.
Congratulations on finding so amny worthwile poems.
Thanks, Justin! There I a ton of people that *I* don't know on that list, which is super awesome. It's so nice to meet new poets.
Ooh, my poem will be keeping very good company, looks like! I'm looking forward to it. :)
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