15 April 2010

Seen and unseen.

The post-AWP lag finally hit me yesterday. Before then I was just fine, cruising along, riding on the fumes of all the annotating I did on the plane (even when we landed--hardcore). Now I'm pretty damn tired. So I present to you the above photo. Yes, that's a park bench wrapped in plastic back there. That's about how I feel right now.

So far my National Poetry Month has been a National Absence of Poetry Month. At least in the writing department. This late AWP has me all discombobulated.

Hyacinths are out, though, so that's a good thing.


ralph pennel said...

if only somehow we could get my plastic wrapped jesus icon on to your plastic wrapped bench.

marybid said...

OMG! I didn't even think of that until now. Maybe my bench was trying to worship your Jesus?

ralph pennel said...

or vise a versa . . .

Charleston gratitude and overdue update

I've been good about keeping things updated over on my website, but not as successful in updating this dear old blog. Many apologi...