Over the past thirteen years I have lived in a variety of temporary and rented lodgings, from the halls of Couzens and the ubiquitous East Quad to the trackside charm of Sycamore Square in Bowling Green, and swanky-yet-vexing 2850 North Sheridan. I have experienced fires, vermin, the mellifluous sounds of porn being played upstairs with lots of bass, backed up drains, the reek of cabbage cooking at all hours, and life without running water and functioning toilets. I have harbored secret cats, jammed a week's worth of clothes in one washer, and watched neighbors toss lit matches out windows. I will miss none of the above.
This week I am closing on my first house, big symbolic event #1 in what is to be a season of big events. Next will be leaving Chicago, where I have logged almost half my life. After that, starting the tenure-track creative writing job that I have been dreaming about since I was a bossy pre-teen playing school.
So here I go. Please think of me later this week as I am signing those papers. Goodbye, rent. So long, hideous garrets of the Midwest. My own piece of Ohio awaits, and I am damn ready.
Now that you'll be a homeowner, how long 'til you're a Republican?
Noooooo! Never.
Frank, we already believe that you're a smartass...no need to provide further evidence thereof.
Off to burn my bra.
Good luck, Mary. I hope all goes smoothly. You are going to love the next chapter in your life. :)
Whooooooohooooooo! Congratulations!!
Congrats, B.! How long will you be in town, Mary m'dear? I might be in Canton by Saturday (or Monday, depending), if I can find a sitter for Bud.
You're telling me you won't miss trains whooping by at 2:00 a.m.?
Thanks, y'all!
PJ--Alas, we're leaving early on Saturday, as my IRISH GRANDPARENTS will be visiting my folks (who will also be watching Gabi for the next few days). I will see you soon, though!
Woo woo (<--- train @ 2 am).
Congrats Mary!!
I hope you create many wonderful memories in your new home. Best of luck to you!
T H A N K S everybody! *blush*
I am loving this pep rally. :)
You know I'm super excited for you Mary! I can't wait to see what you do with your new place!
What an exciting time!! I'm so happy for you Mary. I'll confess that I always hoped that there would be a stop on the academia tour at UBC prior to the super-awesome tenured gig. You found incredible sucess very early in the game. CONGRATULATIONS!
Woo hoo Mary!!! I am so, so excited for you sis! You are going to LOVE it!!!
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