Wednesday will be my last day of teaching at good old UIC. I'm afraid it won't be very monumental, though I am teaching English 210: Intro to Writing Poetry, and we will be discussing publishing options, so the class will have some substance. Back when I started teaching creative writing I was much more gung-ho, recommending that everyone send poems out, and universally prescribing an MFA for the future. I've become much more realistic (i.e. cynical) since and reserve that advice only for those I'm confident will thrive, and who really care about poetry.
So tonight I will officially be passing the poetry group torch. I'm afraid I won't find anything similar in my new town, especially a poetry group that's all women, and where there are people who really get what I'm doing and can tell me what to fix in a quick bullet. I guess I will just have to spend more time on the internet, starting in August...
You'll just have to start your own poetry group in your new town!
Congrats on all going well with the closing...I can't wait to see what Greg does with the place this week!
I bet you could make some contacts at Kent State or Cleveland State, both within 30 minutes of you--and btw Kent makes a good day trip if you want to get out of Akron for the day, some nice shops and eateries. KSU has the Wick Poetry Center and CSU has one but I forget the name; they might be for students but obviously they're stocked with poetry profs who could help you out there.
Or you could call Sharona and have her exclaim "NO!!!" several times if you need a boost...or was that just in my class?
Thanks, y'all!
Melissa--are you sure you don't want me to save some harvest gold shag for you? It would look great in your barn... ;)
PJ--good ideas, and yeah, I bet my NEOMFA folks will know of poetry group opportunities. But will there be wine...that's the real question.
AAAAAGH! Say it isn't so. *tear* To say you will be missed is a ridiculous understatement. I'm going to miss you SO much, our mommy talks and UIC frustrations. And your beautiful hot and bothered poetry.
I will see you tonight, but hopefully not for the last time.
And, as always, I remain in awe of you. Let me know if you need ANYTHING. I'm only just down the street. For 10 more days, anyway.
Even I *miss* you after reading this post, yet selfishly I'm happy for you & hoping you spend more time on your blog. ;-)
If they haven't included it, well - that shows they need it even more.
Jenna, I couldn't have said it better myself, and I totally agree. :)
Welcome to my little blogland!
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