01 September 2005

Aren't you glad...

...that there aren't any reality tv shows about poetry?

One (of many) things to be thankful for this morning.


Melissa said...

now you did it, Mary. You know someone's going to see this and forward the idea on to Fox.

P. J. said...

They could dismiss contestants thusly:

"Mary...you've been...WRITTEN OFF!"

Justin Evans said...

Imagine: A whole episode about Yusef Komunyakaa trying to catch a cab in New York.

Who to host and narrate? All of the annoying British men have jobs already on infomercials or that ABC reality show about small towns.

jose said...

Your post reminded me of the following piece, which I had read a while back.

femme feral said...


I posted about a poetry reality show awhile back . . .given the prevalence of first book contests -- is it just me or are first book contests the *main* route to publication -- it wasn't hard for me to imagine a reality tv show about poets competing for the publication of their first book. But I'm a tv / trash addict, so . . .


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