Every semester I rush to prepare all of my syllabi before the first day of class, print a handy schedule card for my office door, make copies of upcoming assignment sheets, and memorize my students' names. With all of this effort, you'd think it would be smooth sailing, but then week two arrives and I start to lose my edge. It's because of all the meetings. And in this case, because my folks are coming into town on Friday, which means I get to clean the house at night this week after teaching. Today I was giving my first ever lecture on
Gertrude Stein while subconsciously micro-managing the pile of laundry in my basement. What is wrong with this picture? Doesn't Gertrude Stein have a poem about this very situation?

Last week I lost a hubcap in the Polsky building parking deck, apparently after a particularly sharp turn into a curb, which resulted in lots of noise but no body damage. To myself or the vehicle. I suppose I should consider this a special Akron rite of passage.

Frank and I recently finished watching the
Country Boys documentary series (thank you, dvr), and it was so moving. Depressing, but also strangely uplifting. Really makes me want to stop complaining about having to clean my house and lamenting the loss of a hubcap.
You know what you need to help you relax? Yup: Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet tea.
....And maybe some belated Christmas gifts. Sure enough, your own cadeux is making its way towards you now. Speaking of which, I'm thinking some slow-cooked lamb & Guiness stew is on tap for tomorrow (many thanks).
Enjoy the time with your parents, you will be back to your sharp self in no time!!!
Hi there,
Hope things settle down for you soon. Have a nice visit with the folks!
I'm proud of you for giving a lecture on G.S. It's a happy day :)
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