19 April 2012


If people tell you that the penultimate week of the semester is a breeze, do not believe them. It's the opposite. Just the other day I was thanking my lucky stars for a semester with so little conflict and drama and trouble. We were all healthy, the house was okay aside from the furnace going out, etc. But this penultimate week has brought my NAPO to a halt, stalled my projects, snarled my to-do list, and basically un-rocked my world. Hoping things look up, and quick.


Supervillainess said...

What is NAPO? Wishing you all good things.

marybid said...

It's a poem a day thing: National Poetry Writing Month.

PS: I am a NAPO dropout.

Supervillainess said...

Aha! Napowrimo? I try to avoid doing anything extra in April. And isn't it also your birthday month?

marybid said...

Not until May! Hence my lack of cruellty, etc. :)

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