29 August 2014

Back to school, with long shadow.

Here we go, Fall 2014 semester. I am glad to be back, even if feeling a bit behind and overwhelmed. I love my two classes this semester, and it feels good to be checking things off the to-do list, rather than finding new ways to stack them.

I've been making final revisions to Small Enterprise, which somehow helps open up space for thinking about the new prose poem project. 

Sending gratitude to Robert Beveridge for his review of A Sunny Place with Adequate Water

Sage advice from Jeannine Hall Gailey on book promotion over at her blog

My poem "The Most and the Best" appears in The Book of Scented Things, an anthology from the Rose O'Neill Literary House that paired poets and perfume samples, with rather amazing results. This might be the most innovative premise for a collection, ever. My fragrance was this. So lucky! 

I would like to write a new poem soon. Pretty please, universe?

1 comment:

Supervillainess said...

Thanks for the kind shout-out, Mary! I still remember selling books next to you at AWP and being impressed by how fast yours sold out! (Oh my gosh, how much has book publishing changed since then? And it's only been seven years! Eight years?)
(This is Jeannine - don't know why my google account always defaults to this weird one for comments!)

Charleston gratitude and overdue update

I've been good about keeping things updated over on my website, but not as successful in updating this dear old blog. Many apologi...